Written by JJ Bloomfield:

What does postpartum look like from the perspective of the doula?
As postpartum doulas, our hearts truly swell when we have the incredible privilege of being one of the first people to walk into the chrysalis of a family forming, contained by an incredible amount of love flowing from each family member, so utterly exhausted, fueled by newness.

We’re most known for taking the baby and running a bath for the new parent, doing the dishes, cooking, cleaning, tidying… But it’s also doing things without being noticed, knowing that these small acts will completely change the load new parents must bear, often on their own.

We feel into each client’s experience as a new parent, without judgement and preconceived notions, without unsolicited advice. We listen to their experience, read into the nuance of a glance or pause, and offer the space for them to share absolutely anything that is up for them. It’s a container of ultimate friendship and love, even if it’s the first time meeting them. We know that their experience is a rite of passage that will influence the family dynamic for YEARS. Even if we are the only ones who can offer this kind of unconditional support, we understand the impact it will have.

We offer words of understanding, softly, gently, going deep if that’s what the new parent needs, or providing levity when it’s the medicine needed in the moment. Best of all, we give words of encouragement, genuinely letting them know they really are doing an incredible job raising their child. Because it’s true.

We bring food, sitz baths, teas for milk production, salves for their cesarean scars or sore nipples… an arsenal of nourishing gifts to alleviate all of the postpartum aches and pains so that they feel completely cared for.

It’s massaging sore necks and shoulders from looking down and breastfeeding in awkward positions, rubbing their heads when they have a migraine after only 2 hours of sleep. It’s a hug, enveloping the new parents in our arms when they are just done.

For us, postpartum doula care is raising the next generation of parents and helping them get to a new state of stability- all with unconditional love and empathy, simple acts that touch on all of the love languages, and a little extra TLC.

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